: Views: 60,774: Description: Draw a path for santa's sleigh. It's a simple game where you must launch Santa’s Sleigh from a cannon into the air and try to make it go as far as possible. Everyone on the current database has shown excitement to play Dragon, and it is still entirely planned to be our A-side server.So why keep Phoenix? Essentially we need a test server, somewhere we can prototype and is less stable but with proper meaningful data and characters. Sleigh Shot is a game from MiniClip that can be played in the Daily Pop.
Currently, I want to take pressure off my developer and allow him to complete his work at his leisure, this means the big Version 2 (the full game I envisioned launching back in 2017) will probably not be coming until late 2018/2019 and will be launched as our Primary Dragon server. Everyone who has been following this project is likely to be aware these files are in a pretty advanced state of development already, and one of the most frequent and fair questions I’m asked is when will the server be coming out of testing.We’ve come to the decision that this database will never come out of testing and will instead be preserved indefinitely as our public test server (Artificial Phoenix) throughout development. Hopefully, one which can actually deliver on a lot of promises we’ve been struggling to keep regarding the current character database. I have a big announcement to make regarding these files.After much deliberation and consideration, we’ve decided on a new development plan. Chriz has already proven the catalyst we needed to get to release standards and brought a whole host of new Quality of Life features we hadn’t even considered to live in this upcoming updateWhat does 0.2.0 mean for aspiring players? After some discussion, we realised we quite quickly our project and goals were complimentary and joined forces bringing together the best of both projects, ultimately rounding out the Artificial team.

Chriz had been working on developing a Mir II server with a very similar end goal in mind but had been struggling to tackle a lot like us, the colossal task of pulling together viable baseline set of files using the existing C# resources on his own. Against all odds, the test server did, fortunately, persist in its current form, and still continued to receive regular albeit unpublished changes (more of these soon).Completely out of the blue in a twist of fate around November 2018, I was contacted by in my eyes another very prestigious LOMCN VIP and developer: Chriz. The Phoenix server had remained almost completely unpatched since it’s inception, partly due to the non-stop accumulation of issues in addition to ambitious development goals and personally, I felt up against a number of unsurpassable dead ends with the files and with no release in the foreseeable future imaginable. At times I had to put continuing the project into question, I’d invested a lot of time and money into this personally, which was very difficult for any sane person to justify continuing to do, given my position.