The article states, “Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.” After this whistleblowers testimony a group of physicians came out with an article titled Aborted fetal cells and vaccines – a scandal much bigger than Pfizer’s whistleblower ever imagined. One can watch an interview with the whistleblower here. On top of all of this, on October 6th a whistleblower from Pfizer who is Senior Director of Worldwide Research came out to Project Veritas. That is untrue as this article from The Stream makes abundantly clear: The Cell Lines Used for COVID-19 Vaccines Came from Carefully Planned Abortions, Not Miscarriages. Articles on The Stream also demonstrate these connections including The Abortion Ties of the COVID Vaccines and Would You Take a Vaccine Based on Mengele’s Nazi Experiments? Some ‘fact check’ sites have argued the fetal tissue was not necessarily from an abortion and could have been from a miscarriage. The HEK-293 cell line was not solely used in the research and development stage, it is also continuously used in the ongoing testing for both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

Though multitudes of ‘fact check’ organizations have attempted to convince the public that the link does not exist for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, it most certainly does. This interview in particular, with vaccine expert Pamela Acker, shows the link between the aborted tissue and its use in the continued testing of the vaccine. One can read and watch many articles and videos on LifeSite News with many doctors and scientists who explain this link. The first reason many Christians believe these vaccinations are against the will and purposes of God is that all of the vaccines were either developed, tested, and/or are continually produced (whether in actual production or in continued testing) using tissue from aborted fetuses. These vaccines are violating the conscience of many Christians, for many different reasons, and the right course of action for these Christians is to abstain from the vaccine. The Bible teaches throughout the New Testament that we must act according to a ‘clear conscience’ (1 Timothy 1:19 1 Peter 3:16 Romans 14:3) and that ‘anything that is not done in faith is sin’ (Romans 14:23). As a pastor, I believe it would be a sin for any member of our church to take any of the vaccines without a ‘clear conscience’ before God. The remainder of this statement is for all of the members of Mission City Church, like myself,who cannot take any of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccinations in good conscience. Also, no one who works for the church is required to disclose any information about whether they have received the vaccination or not. I personally believe it would be a sin against God to turn anyone away from the church because of what medical procedures they have or have not received. All are welcome to participate in every service or small group at our church without fear of being asked about their vaccination status or treated differently because of their vaccination status. For this reason we do not look down on anyone’s decision. We believe most people are acting in good faith and seeking to do what is best. In fact, everyone who has taken the vaccination or chosen not to take it has done so with varying levels of information/disinformation. At Mission City Church we do not discriminate between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Some have argued they can take the vaccine with a ‘clear conscience’ while others have argued they cannot. Not every pastor and christian will answer these questions exactly the same way and that is okay.

Should a Christian receive the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination along with all subsequent booster vaccinations (likely 2-3 per year) for the rest of their lives? Do these shots conflict with biblical doctrine and christian teaching? RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION FOR SARS-COV-2 VACCINES